24 Jan

Is Invisalign better than traditional braces?

Whenever a new version of a technology replaces its previous form, there is a fair debate about which one is the better option for the recipients. Same is the case with the braces and their newest version called “Invisalign”, which are regarded as the far better choice than the traditional braces. However, there are many people who still believe that the traditional braces are the way to go. This article will compare the two remedies available for the people with crooked teeth and suggest which one is more suitable for the recipients. If you want to wear Invisalign in Dubai, the attached link would lead you to more information about the procedure and its cost.


Having crooked teeth is a predicament which doesn’t only affect your looks and confidence but also makes it difficult for you to clean the teeth in an efficient manner. When you are not able to clean your teeth properly, there are chances of mouth and teeth infections, which sometimes have dire consequences as well. Getting your gums and bone damaged due to periodontal diseases is not something which is recommended, so it is time to get your teeth straightened to keep your mouth healthy.


Let’s compare traditional braces and Invisalign to see which suits people the best.


  1. Your teeth are an integral part of your personality as the right and the healthy smile makes a huge difference in your public dealing and interaction. Wearing the traditional metal braces, which are clearly visible when you smile, give out a bad impression about your overall dental health. You may also get the particles of food caught in them. On the other hand, Invisalign are invisible braces and you can remove and wear them during and after your food intake.
  2. The traditional braces are not the comfortable option at all. Once your dental practitioner installs it, it has to remain there until it is removed. On the contrary, Invisalign braces are removable which gives you a very good feeling of comfort. You can always remove them for brief spans of time, whether to eat, drink, or delivering a speech, and then wear it again when you want to.
  3. With the traditional braces, there is always a chance of getting your gums and mouth hurt, largely due to the fact that they are made of metal. On the other hand, Invisalign is smooth and contains no sharp edges and are more teeth friendly than any other option available.
  4. The treatment involving conventional braces might take up to five years but the Invisalign gets the job done within a year.


If you’re someone who is looking to have porcelain veneers in Dubai, take a look at the attached link.