11 Dec

Losing pregnancy weight- tips and tricks

Have you recently had a baby? You are obviously elated over the arrival of your little one. However, you are obviously sick and tired of getting to hear everyone talk about those amazing celebrity moms that lose weight in an instant! But you need to remember that all those hip celebrities work in tandem with nutritionists, private chefs, personal trainers and doctors to reduce their weight. And well, Photoshop is always there to make them look thin as anything after delivery. But what can you, as a regular mom do to shed off those extra pounds?


There are tons of ways for regular mom to lose their pregnancy weight, that too in a healthy manner. Some of them are:


Always bring in the Plan “B”

For moms with their first child, it is pretty hard to get some quality private time. If you desperately want to lose that pregnancy weight, you will have to make time, that too in such a way that none of the things you have to look after are disturbed. That’s where you can use your friends and family.

You should never do everything yourself. Tell your partner to get the groceries while you exercise and you can tell either your mother or mother-in-law to look after the baby while you cut of some excess weight. Gyms and fitness centers nowadays provide babysitting services for babies of all ages, and that is why you should take advantage of any such center in your area.


Body nourishment

Stuffing up on junk food is not recommended at all right after having your baby. Pregnancy is pretty hard on your mind and body, and that needs to be fixed. To make amendments, you will need to consume various, small and balanced meals per day. You should consume decent amounts of calories in the form of lean proteins, veggies, fiber rich fruits, dairy products and whole grain.


Be active

New moms have been noted to have trouble even getting out of bed. They need to perform cardio exercises, because it not only keeps their heart healthy, but will also help lose pregnancy weight faster. It’s not necessary to workout in a Dubai marina gym; you can stroll in the yard while the baby naps or you can take the baby on a long walk while the baby sits in their stroller. Yoga is capable of reducing both your stress and your weight. It is also preferable for you to perform cardio exercises for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Cardio also increases your body’s energy levels. Click here for more information in this regard.